Feeling Connected

Every wants to feel connected.. wether its with a person, a group.. or a thing.

I wish we all could have someone who loves us for us.. with out intentions, or motives.

You guys have a good day.


(I totally wanted to go somewhere else with this piece, but I received a call and totally lost my train of thought)


Motivation Mondays

So.. I need some motivation.. Because I need to get to Egypt in 2017.. and I know I need to work very hard to get there.

I wanted this to be a Bae-cation.. but I don’t have a bae.. so I’ll have to go with some friends..lol

I’m currently learning about the original settler of Kemet so I’m super geeked!!

What one won’t teach me.. I will teach myself and teach others

Being told no doesn’t get me upset.. I honestly gives me power.. and some what of an adrenaline rush to get what I need and want. I thank the heavens for my mom.. she taught me early on to no accept no for and answer. Its like you tell me no.. ok.. now what are my options.. sit and sulk.. or get off my butt and make things happen.. I will always be an over achiever because of this.. what one won’t teach me.. I will teach myself.

Straight like that.