I’m not even sure how to do this

Bad-Date-Blacks.jpgSo how do you date?

Like seriously?

In this day and age everything is so fast paced..

It’s not organic.. and feels rushed.

I didn’t date much in high school, so i didn’t get the whole trail and error phase.

Now that i’m actively  dating, it’s surreal and i don’t know what to really expect.

I’ve been on some crazy dates.. some dates where my date is mute.. and one where what ever could go wrong..went wrong.

Talk to me … how do I date properly and with intent?

but about the weekend tho

soooo. I haven’t sat down a wrote in a while.. guess I’ll tell y’all about my weekend..

It was…


Started off at the gym with Spin class. Boy when I tell you my instructor was not playing that morning. I basically did about 5 Beyoncé dance routine on that bike. My knee, thighs and butt was on fire after that 45 minute class. After that intense workout we did family time in the pool. Some times it make me wonder why do folks live in Florida, which is surrounded my water  and don’t know how to swim. Any who, the kids loved it.. gave them a chance to make new friend and cool down.

After the gym we headed over to my mom house to chill out and shoot the breeze.. Well that what I planned on doing. We ended up having a full fledge dance off! We started in the 80’s and worked our way up.

It nothing like some good ol’ Miami Base!.

Saturday night was epic!.. It didn’t start off the way i wanted but it ended quite well, That’s pretty much all I’m gonna say about that (smile)

Sunday was super breezy.. church family time.. and of course i made dinner and dessert. I really enjoy cooking. I  like how cooking brings families together.

Pineapple upside down cake
Pineapple upside down cake
Chicken Marsala
Chicken Marsala



Subtly letting others know about how fantastic your life is while undercutting it with a bit of self-effacing humor or “woe is me” gloss.

At its core, everyone posts on social media for the exact same reason: so other people can see what is going on in their life. Social media is our own reality TV show and people are tuned in. The number one douchiest tendency in social media is when people post a humble bragging status about acts / activities they should already be doing. Humble bragging is douchey in itself but the levels of douchiness raises ten fold when it’s accompanied with an ordinary act. In fact humble bragging to ordinary acts is an insult to everyone with an ounce of self respect.

got this from Tony Bologna blog..

I am Guilty..lol

Petty Patty


Have you ever met someone who makes it their business to go out of their way to try to make life miserable?

Yeah.. I know a few.. But I see what you are doing. and it’s laughable.. (singing) I got sunshine.. on a cloudy day!.. when its cold outside.. i got the month of May..

There is always someone petty watching.. be careful..lol

Petty Patty is looking.

30 Things by 30 #21

#21. Leave a note for a stranger.


Well.. let me start of by staying.. I was livid before completing this task.My day started with the funeral of my young cousin. Then I decided to go ahead and complete my registration for a tag decal while i was off.. and Boy was I in for a great surprise!!

Soooooooo, I stroll up to the clerk and  hand her my registration, hoping to get in and out.. But oh no!.. she says ” hunny, you need to pay off these tolls before you get in line. So she passes me the number to contact the tolls collectors. Not only was I on the call for 45 minutes.. They brought up a toll from 2012 when i went to Miami!!..

$132 later I was back in line to get my registration. I remembered that I  left something in the care so I went to retrieve it and I noticed a sticky note i previously written to place on someone car.

I placed it on their window and when back in and waited my turn to get called.

I met a really nice guy from New York.. and we talked for about 30 minutes.

Once I got my registration I ran out of there like my mom just took me off punishment!