Motivation Mondays

So.. I need some motivation.. Because I need to get to Egypt in 2017.. and I know I need to work very hard to get there.

I wanted this to be a Bae-cation.. but I don’t have a bae.. so I’ll have to go with some

I’m currently learning about the original settler of Kemet so I’m super geeked!!

What one won’t teach me.. I will teach myself and teach others

Being told no doesn’t get me upset.. I honestly gives me power.. and some what of an adrenaline rush to get what I need and want. I thank the heavens for my mom.. she taught me early on to no accept no for and answer. Its like you tell me no.. ok.. now what are my options.. sit and sulk.. or get off my butt and make things happen.. I will always be an over achiever because of this.. what one won’t teach me.. I will teach myself.

Straight like that.

tell the truth Tuesday

Well to tell the truth I don’t know how I want to spend the rest of my life.. I know that I want to be love and to give love.. but as far as career/ job etc.. I’m at a lost.. I pray and ask the universe for direct.. until then.. I’m just gonna do what feels right.

nothing even matters

See, I don’t need no alcohol
Your love makes me feel ten feet tall
Without it, I’d go through withdrawal
‘Cause nothin’ even matters at all

These buildings could drift out to sea
Some natural catastrophe
Still there’s no place I’d rather be
‘Cause nothin’ even matters to me

You’re part of my identity
I sometimes have the tendency
To look at you religiously, baby
‘Cause nothin’ even matters to me

Now you won’t find me at no store
I have no time for manicures
With you it’s never either or
‘Cause nothin’ even matters no more

See nothin’, it don’t matters
See nothin’ even matters no more
Nothin’ even matters
Nothin’ even matters no more

Read more: Lauryn Hill – Nothing Even Matters Lyrics | MetroLyrics

black women and food

Black women and cooking has been the staple  in family and culture. We have been the preparers  and gathers of food in our culture and neighborhoods. I love cooking with and for my family. It brings a sense of nurturing and peace when ,my kids linger around the stove when I’m cooking.

I love going to my mom house and before I can turn off the car, I can smell some beans and seasons in the drive way.. ok.. I’m gonna stop now.. because I’m hungry  and its not even lunch time.

A talk with Sharon

Yesterday I walked my kids to the park to play for a bit before sunset. There was this lady there, that some would label her mentally ill. As the kids were playing  it started to get dark, an I knew I couldn’t make it back home with two small kids in tow before the downfall. We went under the park shed where Sharon was eating her Chinese food and French fries to wait the rain out. Sharon began to talk and sing aimlessly about how beautiful Cheri is. My kids looked to me with a bit of fear. so I tried to calm them by making up games to play. Of course my daughter Lulu ask loudly “what is she talking about MA?” So I asked this lady what her name is.. trying to create dialogue without being forceful.. She then began to speak with this heavy African accent. She begin to tell me how she came here from Africa with a visa. She abruptly stop and said “oh goodness I have talked too much, forgive me.. please speak” I ok’ed her to continue to express herself. She asked me if I had my passport.. I told her no I don’t. She said why? you are privileged. Go and see the world.

And lose some belly fat…

Then she dismissed me with have a blessed day and went back to singing and talking with herself.

Well thank you Sharon. Thank you for putting some fire under me.. and my belly